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BASC’s Glynn Evans stepping down as head of anti-poaching group


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BASC’s head of game and gundogs, Glynn Evans, has stepped down as chair of the England and Wales Poaching Priority Delivery Group (PPDG) after 10 years at the helm.

The PPDG works with the National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) and is focused on building a greater level of public awareness of poaching, building relationships between law enforcement and local communities and increasing prevention and enforcement.

Glynn said: “Thanks to the efforts of members of the PPDG and wider partners over the past ten years, we have seen a number of significant developments and successes in tackling these crimes. The true impact of poaching and illegal hare coursing is now being recognised for the seriousness of the crimes that they are, and the impact that they have on wildlife, individuals and communities.

“There is increased political awareness and support and we now have national wildlife and rural crime policing strategies with a significant number of police forces having dedicated rural crime teams with a number of successful policing operations having been delivered including Operation Galileo, an ongoing national anti-hare coursing initiative.

“However, there is still more to do, and BASC will continue to actively support the PPDG and wider work tackling poaching and all wildlife crime. I would urge anyone who has been a victim of poaching to report any and all incidents to the police.”

Chief Inspector Kevin Kelly, head of the National Wildlife Crime Unit, said: “I would like to personally thank Glynn for leading the PPDG. I have known Glynn for a number of years and his leadership is assured, he has a wealth of knowledge and he has set the bar high.

“The PPDG is notably one of the most challenging delivery groups due to the demand across many crime types. Glynn has taken the group from strength to strength, building and managing long lasting partnerships whilst ensuring the group is delivering on the front line of Policing. From all of the National Wildlife Crime Unit and Poaching Priority Delivery Group – thank you”.

The NWCU have confirmed that Police Inspector Amy Hunter is taking up the role as chair of the PPDG.

On Amy’s appointment Glynn, said: “Many congratulations to Amy on her appointment, she has a wealth of experience and qualities and is definitely the right person to lead the group forward, BASC is looking forward to working with her.”


The post BASC’s Glynn Evans stepping down as head of anti-poaching group appeared first on Politics.co.uk.