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37 Tweets About Kids' Hilarious And Horrifying Realisations


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As kids grow up, they become aware of many things in life ― from the sources of the food they eat to the many uses for different types of technology.

Over the years, the funny parents of Twitter have shared silly and serious things their kids have discovered about everyday life.

Below, we’ve rounded up 37 tweets about kids’ hilarious and horrifying realisations.

I've seen plenty of disappointment in my day, but nothing rivals the look on my nephew's face when we walked into Build-A-Bear and he realized it wasn't a literal Frankenstein lab for grizzlies.

— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) September 7, 2020

my son just realized he has a butt, like, RIGHT THERE IN REACH and is laughing hysterically

— JennyPentland GED (@JennyPentland) November 8, 2013

“Dad isn’t it weird that the word chicken can mean an animal or a type of food?”

- my kid, on the verge of making a horrific realization

— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) March 29, 2021

Long story short my kids realized there is an emergency button in the elevator so I guess we can only take the stairs now.

— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) February 26, 2018

Today's tantrum is brought to you by the realization that dino nuggets are not actually made from dinosaurs

— Not Another Pinterest Mom (@snarkymomtobe) January 30, 2021

My 5 year old came up to me with a smile and said, "I have something cool to tell you" and I said "Yeah?" He said, "If no one's there, and you toot, you don't have to say excuse me" and then skipped off because this realization has apparently brought him great joy

— ally (@TragicAllyHere) January 22, 2019

This whole stay-at-home order was going great until my son realized he can do a really good Woody the Woodpecker impersonation.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) April 4, 2020

This morning my 7 y/o daughter learned that adulthood doesn’t come with automatic summer vacations from work.

She requests your thoughts and prayers at this time ?

— dara tafakari (@TrulyTafakari) April 9, 2019

Sorry I’m late. My daughter just realized she’s been eating regular Cheerios instead of Honey Nut Cheerios every morning for the past 5 years and she hates regular Cheerios.

— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) August 3, 2020

My son realized my car has a rear-view camera, lol pic.twitter.com/bXAMqitYWf

— Carbosly (@Carbosly) May 1, 2015

My kids just realized that the dog is naked.

— JennyPentland GED (@JennyPentland) September 10, 2013

My daughter just realized that the mom in “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” was kissing her husband and not the actual Santa. She 100% thought it was a song about holiday adultery. She is 14 years old.

— Tom B. (@BuildaLibrary) December 16, 2020

Not saying my son is spoiled, but he's 12 and he just realized that there are cereals without marshmallows in them.

— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) November 10, 2015

Ahhh, holidays. The smell of turkey. The taste of pie. The sound of my son crying because he just realized he has nipples.

— Stephanie McMaster (@Smethanie) November 22, 2012

My 2-year-old just realized that when she was born, she was a baby.

She's going to need some time to process this.

Please keep her in your thoughts in this difficult time.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) September 30, 2018

My son was getting ready for bath and realized that his pajamas were on under his clothes all day long. Should he apply to Harvard or Yale?

— Darin Loves Bacon (@darinlovesbacon) October 24, 2012

The toddler and I have the same favorite color, I was not prepared for the level of rage he'd experience at this realization

I think it's time to work on sharing

— Not Another Pinterest Mom (@snarkymomtobe) July 30, 2020

My son, who wants to attend MIT, just realized popcorn is from real corn so I'm afraid artificial intelligence may be a few more years away.

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) July 2, 2017

My son just realized that bunnies are baby rabbits. Love that his mind has them as separate animals

— Trish Wise (@trishwise) June 13, 2013

Visiting a pet store was always a fun rainy day activity, until today, when my kids realized the animals were for sale.

— PBS Parents (@pbsparents) August 2, 2009

Son just realized that the cheese in Mac & Cheese starts off in powdered form. And thus marks the end of his childhood.

— Christina Evans (@cakevans) October 30, 2012

The excitement drained from my daughter's eyes as she realized the sound of nearby church bells wasn't an ice cream truck. Fuck you, god.

— Stephanie McMaster (@Smethanie) September 3, 2012

My daughter was pretty disappointed when she realized the cereal she picked out was Raisin BRAN and not Raisin BRAIN.

— Wendy S. (@maughammom) July 20, 2017

My 3-year-old just realized fish sticks contain actual fish and now she hates me for killing Nemo.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 13, 2014

My son finally realized after 12 years that all his friends have cable TV and we don't. Let the whining begin.

— Barmy Rootstock (@IbecameMyDad) June 8, 2013

My youngest daughter realized tonight that Christmas reindeer are female reindeer and immediately decided she wants to grow up to be Rudolph. And she's dead serious about this because it means not interacting with humans.

And we're not standing in the way of this empowerment.

— Mike Reynolds (@EverydayGirlDad) November 28, 2020

Well, so much for going into the ocean now that my kid realized fish pee in it.

— Jason Good (@jasonmgood) February 15, 2014

Okay I got about 30 minutes to write before the kids realize this game of hide and seek is taking too long.

— Kwame “Preorder LAST GATE OF THE EMPEROR” Mbalia (@KSekouM) May 9, 2018

My daughter is colouring at the kitchen table and asks me to turn the light on. I turn on the light and she laughs this evil little laugh and I think in that moment she realized that she enjoys costing us money. That or I just graduated from snack bitch to general house bitch.

— Momzilla (@milliondollrfam) March 18, 2019

My pandemic baby is going to have a tough time when she realizes we don't always wear pajamas.

— Scary Mommy (@ScaryMommy) February 25, 2021

May all of you chase after your dreams with the same passion and tenacity as my toddler when he realizes I’m making pizza.

— Eric Smith (@ericsmithrocks) March 19, 2020

My 3 year old will regret saying that I'm not her best friend anymore once she realizes that the fridge door doesn't automatically open.

— Brian Hope (@Brianhopecomedy) March 25, 2014

My preteen was today years old when she realized that you have to clean the toilet.

— Heather #BLM (@dishs_up) November 27, 2019

This morning, my 5 y/o daughter learned that the voices on the radio are real-life people and not people from another dimension. ?

Her: pic.twitter.com/7UevN49qOt

— dara tafakari (@TrulyTafakari) November 3, 2017

My daughter just realized that Indiana Jones is Han Solo and her little mind exploded.

— Just Bren Is Fine (@ogbrenna) July 10, 2013

My kid realized I've been reading only a smattering of pgs from her books before announcing, The End.

Me: "But all the moms are doing it!"

— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) May 7, 2016

My son just realized that a downside of living in the country is that no one will bring tacos to our house.

— Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl) May 5, 2017